
5 Ways Leaders Can Sustain a Healthy Team

Not only does a healthy, engaged team have a direct correlation to a strong bottom line, but if a leader’s team begins to fray, splinter, and atrophy–initiating and perpetuating a revolving door of transition–the corporate and personal costs to the organization, the leader, and their team members can be exorbitant.

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5 Ways to Enhance Your Leadership Every Day

Inspiring leadership takes intentionality every day to adopt, contextualize, and translate these practices into your leadership habits. And while three- or four-day conferences play a genuine role in a leader’s growth, they’re no replacement for a leader’s pursuing intentionality today so they can be effective tomorrow.

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Being an Employer of Choice

The simplest definition is an employer whose employees love to come to work and job seekers would love to work for. Employers of choice cultivate work cultures where engagement and alignment are the anticipated outcomes of intentionality, transparency, compensation, and inspiration.

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Leadership Lessons: 3 Key Changes after 50 Years

In the past 20 years alone, leaders have had to navigate drastic changes and the subsequent amount of resources just to keep up. Thankfully, that’s how long Promark’s been evaluating the leadership landscape and equipping executive leaders to lead themselves and others effectively.

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Burnout: Don’t Wait till You Smell the Smoke

At PROMARK, our coaches have seen the professional and personal turmoil burnout causes in clients’ lives. This is happening in the American workforce today and it’s costing nearly $190 billion dollars in work-related costs.

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